We speak to Comic Con panellist Brandon Kleyla, Indy Comic artist Richard Howell. more of your listener feedback plus Pat and Rob return!
Podcast: Download (Duration: 1:58:41 — 54.5MB)
The world's #1 Indiana Jones podcast
The Indy Cast is a podcast dedicated to bringing you Indiana Jones news and events from around the world as well as the latest in collectibles, interviews, opinions, trivia and so much more.
Subscribe via iTunesWe speak to Comic Con panellist Brandon Kleyla, Indy Comic artist Richard Howell. more of your listener feedback plus Pat and Rob return!
Podcast: Download (Duration: 1:58:41 — 54.5MB)
Summer Sounds of the Movies on NPR
Indiana Jones and the Adventure of Archaeology website
Indiana Jones and the Adventure of Archaeology on Twitter
Purchase Paul Shipper's Indy artwork
Making of Matt Busch's Indiana Jones World Map
Collecting Pix from SDCC 2011!
Email Les your collecting questions at [email protected].
Steve Colley is selling his collection - If you are interested, email him at [email protected].
Check show notes from Episode 133 for a full list.
Chris Allan's Indy Fan Fiction
The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones Facebook page
The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones theme
This podcast is not endorsed by Lucasfilm Ltd or Paramount Pictures and is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only.
The official Indiana Jones site can be found at www.indianajones.com. Indiana Jones, all names and sounds and any other Indiana Jones related items are registered trademarks and or copyrights of Lucasfilm Ltd or their respective trademark and copyright holders.
All original content of this podcast is the intellectual property of TheForce.net LLC unless otherwise indicated.
another great show guys , hopefully we can get some more in depth stuff from some of the original marvel artists and writers of the further adventures of indiana jones comics ? hey, maybe even for some of the dark horse comic series/ what do you say?